Use this feature to create lookup tables.
Manage Tab
Step-by-step guide
- In the Manage Tab click on the New or Edit links to create a new lookup table or edit an existing lookup table
2. Enter the following data for the descriptive information of this lookup table:
- Name: the dictionary entry
- Description: freeform text description of the lookup table
- To Item: is the name of the source field for the contents that are being mapped
- Default Value (optional): is a default value for values that are not mapped in the Dictionary Lookup Values
- Governance: associated Governance item (future use)
- Tags (optional): any metadata tags for easy searching
- Notes (optional): freeform text for notes
3. Click
to apply the changes.Import Data Tab
Use this feature to import lookup values from a MS Excel workbook.
Step-by-step guide
- Click on the template link
- open the MS Excel workbook and find two sheets
- Sheet named "Lookup" has the same fields as described in the definition screen above - you can import multiple entries into the dictionary
- Sheet named "LookupValues" has the same fields described in Dictionary Lookup Values in this help document
- Make any entries and save the MS Excel workbook
- From the Import Data Tab, browse for the file you updated and upload it
- The processing messages is followed by a success message
Linked Dictionary Entries Tab
Origin Source Types are captured during the Schema Snapshot > Origin Connections > Get Connections Tab process.
They are used to identify the type of the Origin Connections (e.g. folder, ODBC, OLEDB).
There are no IPDF default values.
Step-by-step guide
- In the Manage Tab click on the New or Edit links
- Type the following data:
- Name: the name of the Origin Source Type
- Description: free text description
- Governance (optional): associated Governance item
- Notes (optional): free text optional notes
Origin Source Types are required for Origin Connections
Deleting an Origin Source Type will exclude automatically all associated Origin Connections
Associate Dictionary Entries Tab
Origin Source Types are captured during the Schema Snapshot > Origin Connections > Get Connections Tab process.
They are used to identify the type of the Origin Connections (e.g. folder, ODBC, OLEDB).
There are no IPDF default values.
Step-by-step guide
- In the Manage Tab click on the New or Edit links
- Type the following data:
- Name: the name of the Origin Source Type
- Description: free text description
- Governance (optional): associated Governance item
- Notes (optional): free text optional notes
Origin Source Types are required for Origin Connections
Deleting an Origin Source Type will exclude automatically all associated Origin Connections
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