QS App Templates

QS App Templates

Qlik Sense Application Templates are re-usable load scripts for creating Qlik Sense QVDs from tables identified in the Schema Snapshot.  This is the location of any logic you want to apply during the ETL from source tables to Qlik QVDs.
There is no limit to the number of Templates that can be created, however a typical implementation will have no more than one template per Origin Database.

The Default template that is shipped withIPDF can be used as a basis for creating alternate templates with different behaviors.

Typically, the load script is written in Qlik Sense to leverage syntax checking in the native editor.  Script is then coppied and pasted into the Load Script section of this web form.  When you have finished making your changes to the load script, click on the update link located in the lower right side of the screen.

Note that Qlik script syntax checking is not performed on this IPDF screen.

Manage Tab

Step-by-step guide

  1. In the Manage Tab click on the New or Edit links
  2. Type the following data:
    1. Name: the name template
    2. Description: freeform text to describe the purpose of this app. template
    3. Name Prefix: These characters will be appended to the front of each each file name created by this script
    4. Name Suffix: These characters will be appended to the end of each each file name created by this script
    5. Notes (optional):  freeform text notes (optional)
    6. Load Script: Qlik Sense load script to be executed for each table in the snapshot

Variables used:

_dw_conectionexpands to the connection name as it is found in the snapshot
_dw_databaseexpands to the database name as it is found in the snapshot
_dw_schema_nameexpands to the schema name as it is found in the snapshot
_dw_table_nameexpands to the table name as it is found in the snapshot
_dw_qvd_table_nameexpands the table name found in the XML header of the QVD as found in the Origin Tables/Views QVD Table Name
_dw_renaming_fields_allexpands the table name found in the XML header of the QVD as found in the Origin Items
_dw_fields_allthese are the original field names from the table found in the schema snapshot
_dw_lineage_fields_allfor adding tags to fields in the QVD to identify the source of the field

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