Origin Tables

Origin Tables

Origin Tables are captured during the Schema Snapshot > Take a Schema Snapshot Tab process and represents Database tables, views, system tables or QVD files.
Origin Tables are associated to Origin ItemsQS Apps and are loaded in the IPDF Schema Snapshot App.

Manage Tab

To Edit records:

To change Origin Tables data:

  1. In the Manage Tab click on Edit link

  2. Type the following data:

    1. Description: free text description

    2. QVD Table Name: the QVD Table Name created during the QVD Builder process. This field can be changed manually or automatically through App Builder > QVD Templates > Apply QVD Template

    3. Notes (optional):  free text optional notes

Origin Tables are required to create QS Apps at App Builder > QS Apps > Create QS Apps Tab

Deleting an Origin Table will exclude automatically all associated Origin Items

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