Flowsheet Snapshots

Flowsheet Snapshots

Origin Source Types are captured during the Schema Snapshot > Origin Connections > Get Connections Tab process.
They are used to identify the type of the Origin Connections (e.g. folder, ODBC, OLEDB).

There are no IPDF default values.

Manage Tab

Step-by-step guide

  1. In the Manage Tab click on the New or Edit links

  2. Type the following data:

    1. Name: the name of the Origin Source Type

    2. Description: free text description

    3. Governance (optional): associated Governance item

    4. Notes (optional):  free text optional notes

Origin Source Types are required for Origin Connections

Deleting an Origin Source Type will exclude automatically all associated Origin Connections

Take a Flowsheet Snapshot Tab

Origin Source Types are captured during the Schema Snapshot > Origin Connections > Get Connections Tab process.
They are used to identify the type of the Origin Connections (e.g. folder, ODBC, OLEDB).

There are no IPDF default values.

Step-by-step guide

  1. In the Manage Tab click on the New or Edit links

  2. Type the following data:

    1. Name: the name of the Origin Source Type

    2. Description: free text description

    3. Governance (optional): associated Governance item

    4. Notes (optional):  free text optional notes

Origin Source Types are required for Origin Connections

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